November 1 - 15, 2019

My name is Camille McGuire and I draw your dreams!

Last night I had a dream about my cat, (now deceased), Fritz.  He was using a line and a fishing hook to take popcorn out of a fish tank.  I would flip a piece of popcorn in, and he was fishing it out.  I reported it to scientists by video and they were amazed that a cat was using a tool.

Get in touch with me and I will draw your dreams!

November 2, 2019

Last night I had a dream I had to go home...

That I was hired by a temp agency and send to a place I really liked.  I loved it so much, that when it came time to go, I didn't leave right away.  I stayed and helped out with a board meeting.  I stayed to help with a self-calculating spreadsheet because I'm a smarty pants.  I told them that I had to stay anyway for three hours, because it was the minimum requirement.  Then I stayed some more.  Then they gave me a gift basket and walked me down to my bus stop and watched me get on the bus to get home!  Really, it was a very funny dream and I wouldn't freak people out like that!  I think that's what dreams are all about.

November 4, 2019

Last night I had a dream....

That I washed a lioness.  She was very compliant, and really seemed to enjoy it a lot.  She was drinking from the hose I was using, and she loved it when I toweled her down.  Then I went to lie down on the grass because I was exhausted.  Then she came and laid down on me!  I couldn't breathe and then I woke up!

November 5, 2019

Last night I had a dream....

That I met a guy and only knew him for a couple of minutes and he proposed to me in front of my boyfriend.  He gave me a turquoise ring that fit over two digits.  It didn't fit on my ring finger, so he put it on my middle finger.  I curled my finger and it broke all over the place.  My boyfriend just laughed.

November 7, 2019

I ran across a restaurant on 
Bloor Street West in Toronto:

Is it coffee or is it food?  It's an enigma!

November 8, 2019

Last night I had a dream....

Then I didn't understand the notes that I made when I woke up!  I wrote it down twice so it must have been important... (Pneum)

November 9, 2019

Last night I had a dream...

That I kicked a ball on the sidewalk, and it was made out of a huge wad of gum!  It wrecked my pants, my gloves and my boot!

November 10, 2019

I went to the Royal Canadian Winter Fair today.  A lot of the things that I saw there reminded me of dreams.

Award winning huge Sugar Beet:

Beet root:

Huge Rutabaga:

Hairless Guinea Pig:

I patted him.  He felt like my arm.  Ew.

November 11, 2019

Last night I had a dream...

That a doctor ordered me to drink an entire 40 ounce bottle of ethanol, along with a pill, both from the i n-hospital pharmacy, before surgery.  I mixed the first half of it with some orange juice that I bought, then the nurse mixed the rest of it with caramel instant pudding, so it was some kind of sweet soup that mostly tasted like the worst whiskey.  I don't know what it means! 

November 13, 2019

Last night I had a dream...

 I have been having more apocalyptic dreams lately, some of which I've not posted,

November 14, 2019

Last night I had a dream....

That I put fries in a microwave oven and it exploded and caught on fire.  Then I realized that the fries that I had put in it for a friend, to reheat, were covered in tin foil at the bottom.  Sometimes, my dreams are just weird!

October 16 - 31, 2019                                                                         November 16-30, 2019


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