October 16 - 31, 2019

My name is Camille McGuire.
Get in touch with me and I will draw your dreams!

Last night I had a dream that I met St. Anthony, finder of lost objects and other things.  If you want him to find you a husband or a wife or a life partner, you pray to St. Anthony on June 13, his feast day.  He will also find you anything  you ask for.  He has always been my rod and my staff.  Thank you St. Anthony for always being there for me.  Xoxoxo

October 17, 2019

Last night I had a dream that I lived to be 200.

This is what I looked like at that age.
I lived to see a lot of things, including terrible global warming.

October 18, 2019

Last night I had a dream...

My mother bought a house on the side of a river in front of a lake.  It was discovered that another  house had disappeared into the lake and it was only 10 meters from the house that she was buying, from erosion because the river had before been just  a dry river bed.  Luckily, she was able to make a rescission on the property but they were very hostile because they obviously had to sell it as soon as possible.  They tried to tell my mother (who is almost 80) to sandbag the property.  Thank goodness it was just a dream!

October 19, 2019

Last night I had a dream...

That I did a stained glass window for a woman in Mexico who was a millionaire.  
I sent her the pattern, and she did the stained glass, because it was her hobby.

October 20, 2019

Last night I had a dream....

That I went out with a friend of mine to a fair, and she paid two dollars for a game involving a treasure chest.  What happened was you threw it off a slide, and when it landed, if something fell out, it was yours.  It weighed a ton and my friend and I threw it down the slide.  A Canadian flag shopping bag was her prize.

October 22, 2019

Last night, I had a wonderful dream...

That I had all of my sweet cats back.  They are depicted here, unfortunately they are all gone and I don't have another at the moment.  But I loved them all so much!

October 26, 2019

Last night I had a dream that my good friend died. 
But something wonderful happened!

I got a call from myself on my cell phone, and I answered it.  It was my friend who had just passed, who told me that there was an afterlife.  I tried to keep her on the phone as long as I could, but we ran out of things to talk about.  She told me would see me in heaven.

October 28, 2019

Last night I had a dream that I was playing 
Scrabble (TM) with a friend.

I got a seven letter word that was in the dictionary (Rimnumk, imaginary town in Greenland and yes I know you can't use place names!), then he proceeded to absolutely cream me with a block of letters and I kept on challenging him but "foots" was in the dictionary.  The only word that made sense to me was "tails".

October 29, 2019

Last night I had a dream where you could put a
whole cabinet of files into a small box.  
It was called the "Superfile".

Then, I was able to scan all of the files and just put them on a little thumb drive smaller than two Life Savers (TM) put together!

October 30, 2019

I decided to post this since I saw it today and it's so close to Halowe'en!
It was in front of a wool shop on Roncesvalles Avenue in Toronto.

No wonder I'm afraid of the 13th!  Natural?  Hemlock or Arsenic?  

(Dyeing would have been the correct spelling! :)

October 31, 2019

Last night I had a Halowe'eny dream.

I was involved in a forensic study of a murder that involved ghost peppers.

Back to October 1 - 15                                                                  November 1-15, 2019


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