December 1, 2023 - February 29, 2024


Last night I had a dream that I went to university to become a cardiologist.  I signed up for a class about balloons.  I thought it would be about balloon catheters, but we were making balloon animals.  I went along with it, but at the end of the class, I found out that the class was to become a "Partyologist".  I clued in when the next class was about lamp shades and mimes.

December 9, 2023
Last night I had a dream that Rudolph had a red nose for a good reason.
December 11, 2023
Last night I had a dream that to toddlers, Jack-in-the-Box was scary.  But not as scary as Harley-Quinn-in-the-Box.

December 24, 2023

Me with a beautiful hat by my sister-in-law.  She made it by hand.  Thank you so much!

December 26, 2023
I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  And to my Canadian friends, a very happy Boxing Day!

December 25, 2023

T-Nu has been busy this holiday season!  What you are looking at is a sculpture based on a painting by his wife, of a cat fortune teller.  Even the crystal ball lights up.  It was his Christmas gift to her.  If you are interested in crafting, T-Nu has a YouTube channel that is informative and also hilarious called "Cajun Craftastrophe".

January 2, 2024
T-Nu was busy crafting his best, personalized gifts this season.  I meant to post these days ago, but I have been a bit of a procrastinator lately.  Number 1 photo is a sculpture that is based on a drawing of my dream, "Escarghost".  It's just amazing!  It's beautifully painted and lights up!
Number 2 is a coffee mug that he made for my partner, who is a huge Leafs fan.  "Hockey plus beer equals Barnes".  How true!
Number 3 is a t-shirt for me with one of my posts on it.  I give a big shout-out to T-Nu for his fantastic imagination, creativity and generosity.  Thank you so very much!

January 22, 2024
Last night I had a hockey dream about a "Cat Trick".  Three beers on the floor.

January 31, 2024
Last night I had a dream that Dan  Akroyd told me that he could tell the future by scrying into his Crystal Skull Vodka.  I asked him if my posts would go viral.  His answer?  "Try again later".

February 8, 2024
Last night I had a dream that I had a dream about "Squirrel Girl".  Her superpower was crushing walnuts with her thumbs.

February 12, 2024

Last night I had a dream that Snow White was riding a clown.  In my dream, I thought to myself it was "virgin on the ridiculous". 

February 18, 2024
Last night I had a recurring dream about "spontaneous feline combustion".  

February 21, 2024
Last night I had a dream about the "Millennial Falcon".

February 29, 2024
Last night I had a dream that my mom gave me a puzzle.  I thought I had solved it, and it was "Dream to live".  She said, "No, it's Dream to live".  I thought about that.

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