February 1 - 28, 2022

 Happy Black History Month!

Canada Post has released a stamp celebrating Black History Month.  It features a portrait of Eleanor Collins, known as Vancouver's "First Lady of Jazz".  In 1955, she appeared on CBC Television in her own variety series, "The Elanor Show".  Collins paved the way for a more racially diverse Canadian entertainment scene.  She is 102 years old.

February 5, 2022
Last night I had a dream about a food truck owned by zombies.  Of course, zombies could order food all made with brains, like "Angel Brain Pasta", "Miche-Left-Lobe Lite Beer", and for dessert, "Sundae Bloody Sundae".

February 9, 2022
Last night I dreamt that I was at an auction and the Batmobile came up, and I bought it for $1.00.  I went to drive it home, and it conked out about six blocks from the auction house.  I filled it back up with gas, and it only went six blocks again.  I had it towed and realized why it was just a buck.

February 12, 2022
Last night I had a dream that a vampire bunny was sucking the juice out of carrots.

February 14, 2022
Two of hearts, two hearts that beat as one.  Happy Valentines Day to my sweet boyfriend.

February 17, 2022
Last night I had a dream that the Gotham City Police Department only used the Tortoise Man beacon once.

February 22, 2022  (22 02 22)
Often when I begin dreaming, they start out as if I'm going to watch a movie, with the Twentieth Century Fox theme or the MGM logo, but most often, the Dream Works opening sequence.

February 23, 2022
True to my mission, I'm trying to represent as images others send to me for rendering.  Here is a vision that Nicole Crouch had, and I hope she thinks I did justice to the beauty of her subject.

"Here's a story - I had a very good friend who passed away last fall from cancer, and we used to watch a LOT of Drag Race (Rupaul's) together.  It is really the most positive of life affirming and healing thing out there.  She had a celebration of life party for herself, about a month before she passed.  That night I had a vision of her in "full drag", wearing a diamond studded dark brown body suit and she was hoisted into a theatre night sky set.  She was flying and "air swimming" and dancing around on the rigging.  I was standing on my tippy toes on the stage looking up at her, in her total beauty saying, "I'm right behind you!".  It was a powerful moment for the two of us and was totally thanks to the power of Rupaul and that great show.  Thank you for knowing it.  So many hearts touched."

February 26, 2022
Last night I had a dream that I was concerned about the Cookie Monster's diet, so I made him some rice crispies squares, thinking this might be a better choice than just cookies all the time.  They all stuck to his fur.

February 28, 2022
Last night I had a dream that I was designing a pamphlet for an architectural firm.  I asked why the Ziggurat of Ur?  I thought people might not get the reference.  Why not Stonehenge or the Pyramids?  People got it.  The customer is always right!

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