Happy Canada Day 2021 with a caveat...

I was always very proud to be a Canadian, we have a good health care system and a goodly amount of freedom that was fought for by many, including my grandfather, and good social supports for most people. Our Indigenous People have had a very rough time of things.  In Canada, they were sent to Residential Schools to separate them from their parents and assimilate them into "Canadian Society".  There, they were abused and shamed, and they were not allowed to speak their original languages.  Now, hundreds and hundreds of children in these schools were found buried with unmarked graves.  It is a source of great distress for me.  The flag over the Parliament building in Ottawa is at half-mast today. I hope you will all say a prayer this Canada Day for them.

One of my aunts responded to my blog with the following:

"I have been wondering over the last few weeks what my Father would have said about all those little bodies at the residential schools.  I think he would have been saddened to tears and so angry at the abuse of power.  He would have wanted to make things right somehow.  He went to war to help right a wrong and stop the Nazis and protect our freedoms and we are all so proud and grateful to him for it.  I read something a while ago that really stuck with me.  It was a quote from a Mohawk man, who had been at Oka during the "crisis".  He said that they were never attacking what was on the other side of their barrier, but just protecting what was behind.  I like to think my Dad would have appreciated this attitude."

July 6, 2021
Last night I had a dream that I was changing a diaper for my boyfriend's new grandson.  I've never changed a diaper before, and in my dream, I was told "There's nothing to it, just follow the instructions."  I got the tape all over myself somehow.

July 12
Last night I had a dream that I was hired by the Toronto Transit Commission to be a streetcar driver.  I thought it wouldn't be that hard, but the first thing I did was blow through a red light.  Then, back at the streetcar yard, I got on the wrong rails and went face-first into another driver.  I guess it wasn't meant to be.

July 13
Last night I had a dream that I wanted a party for all of my friends, because we had all been in lockdown for so long.  So, I decided that the premise for these festivities would be, is I would marry myself.  I picked out a beautiful dress and some flowers, and I picked my own engagement ring (which is something I've always wanted to do!)  My vows to myself were touching, and I included updating my blog more.  I chastised one of my friends for wearing white to my wedding, because that's apparently bad luck.  

July 17
Last night I had a dream that I won the lottery.  Millions of dollars.  Then I went outside and got struck by lightening twice.

July 25
Last night I had a dream that I was cleaning a fish tank that had some animals in it that I had rescued from certain death.  I decided to let them back into the wild, but first I made them backpacks with toothbrushes and blankets in them.  Don't ask me what I thought a snake would do with a toothbrush in my dream.  Sometimes they don't make a lick of sense!

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