November 1 - 30, 2020


That I went to a restaurant that had a special.  It was called "American Election Pie".  It was basically a stack of pancakes, blue and red with chocolate syrup and whipped cream with a cherry on top.  The blue was for the Democrats, and the red represented the Republicans.  When you got to the bottom, you could tell what party had won because it was either red or blue.  I got to the bottom of the stack, and I couldn't tell who had won, because it was saturated in too much chocolate sauce.  Then I woke up.  It's a week later and we still don't know.

November 10, 2020

November 11, 2020

I remember my Grandpa Charlie who was a tail gunner for a 
Lancaster Bomber out of London.  So very proud of him!

November 13, 2020

He took me to the giant octopus city, which looked like Athens underwater.  Instead of exploring the city like I wanted to, he was more interested in finding and eating crabs.

November 14, 2020
That I got a pet iguana (I don't actually have one).  My cat Misty (unfortunately deceased many years ago), asked me why I was spending so much time with it, and did I still love her?  I told her, "I love you so much, don't be jealous, it has a brain the size of a pea".  Then she asked me, "then why did you get it?!!"  I answered, "because I wanted it!"

November 17, 2020
There were palm trees on Yonge Street because of global warming.  Yonge Street starts in Toronto, ending in Rainy River, Ontario.  It's usually very cold in the wintertime.

November 21, 2020

November 25, 2020

November 30, 2020

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